Dear Associates,
Kindly Share your Suitable Consultants Profile to and our
Payment Terms-Monthly Net45Days .
Pre-Sales resources with 7+ years of experience on VMware technologies.
candidate should be able to demonstrate value in terms of designing the
solution, creating joint value proposition for customer and respond to any
technical/value related queries. The role requires good communication
skills and frequent travel across various locations in the US.
Note: Our Payment Terms -Monthly Net 45Days
Thanks and Best Regards,
Karthick .A
Empower Consultancy Services Inc.,
USA | UK | India
Direct : 510-995-7780 | Fax : 510-740-3549
Gtalk - ecsi.karthick | Skype - ecsi.karthick
(After Working
Hours)USA :510-512-8069(W)|510-371-5544(C)|510-578-8255(C)|510-740-3549(F)
UK :044-137223-6323 | India :91-9940045456
UK :044-137223-6323 | India :91-9940045456