Tuesday, April 7, 2015

ECSI-6285- Dev Ops -CONTRACT-6MONTHS-Cupertino, CA-VG

Dear Partners,
Please share with suitable profile to gnanakumaran@empowercsi.com and Our Payment Terms - NET 45 Days.

1.Responsible to run test scripts and use case scenario to verify bug fixes and regression test the application after each release installation.

2. Technology stack include JBOSS, WebSphere application server, multi-tier web applications, web services(SOAP and RESTful), Spring, jQuery, and Oracle database.

3. Knowledge of IBM software such as Emptoris, DataStage, and Cognos is beneficial.

4. All team members should possess the following qualifications:
a) Having can-do attitude
b) Strong analytical and troubleshooting skills
c) Good communication skills
d) Familiar with development and deployment in Linux environment
e) Understand the importance of software development methodologies and tooling, such as Maven, Subversion.
f) At least 5 years of experience, have excellent can-do attitude in a demanding environment, demonstrable self-initiative and leadership skills

we accept h1 transfers in all the job orders
Note : Our Payment terms - Monthly Net 45 Days 
Thanks and Best Regards,
Gnanakumaran V
Empower Consultancy Services Inc.,
USA | UK | India
Direct:510-995-7794 | Fax : 510-740-3549
Gtalk – ecsi.gnanakumaran  |Skype - ecsi.gnanakumaran
(After working Hrs)USA :510-512-8069(W)|510-371-5544(C)|510-578-8255(C)|510-740-3549(F)
UK :044-137223-6323 | India :91-9940045456

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