Monday, March 10, 2014

ECSI-5053-Web Developer-Contract-6months-Texas-USA-ET

Dear Partners, Please share with suitable profile to and
Our Payment terms - Monthly Net 45 Days

Position-Web Developer

1. Object-oriented, server-side programming in C# 
2 (or newer) (4+ years) 2. Unit testing with a library like MBUnit, MS Test, NUnit, or xUnit (3+ years) 
3. Mocking with a library like Moq, NMock, Rhino Mocks, or Microsoft Fakes (2+ years) 
4. In-browser ECMAScript® (JavaScript™) (3+ years) 
5. jQuery and jQuery UI (2+ years) 
6. Enterprise-level messaging with a JMS- or AMQP-compliant messaging system (1+ years) 
7. Source code management with Microsoft TFS, Subversion, Perforce, or CVS (4+ years) 
8. Object-relational mapping library such as NHibernate or Code-First Entity Framework (2+ years) 9. Dependency injection with a library like Autofac, Ninject, StructureMap, or Unity (1+ years).

Thanks and Best Regards,

Thirumurugan. E
Empower Consultancy Services Inc.,
USA | UK | India
Gtalk - ecsi.thirumurugan | Skype - thirumurugan
Direct - 510-995-7781 | Fax : 510-740-3549

(After working Hrs) USA :510-512-8069(W)|510-371-5544(C)|510-578-8255(C)
UK :044-137223-6323 | India :91-9940045456

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